Handle with Care

By Small Box Series (other events)

Saturday, October 8 2022 8:00 PM 10:00 PM EST

Small Box Series is a quarterly performance featuring invited artists from different genres in an intimate environment. Limited to a 4x4 box, movement artists, musicians, bands, spoken word artists, writers, actors, and poets use the small stage to bring the audience closer to their work and their experience.  Each show has limited capacity and provides provisions and beverages to encourage audience interaction and artist/audience conversation.  Originally produced by Underground Dance Society from 2016-2018 which Lisa Yaconelli was a part of, it is now solely produced and curated by Lisa.  We hope you'll join us.  Look us up on Facebook or Instagram for updated performance information. All performances are in Athens, Ga. 

Handle with Care

Features Jennifer Morlock, Liz Farrell, David Zwart, Kelly Petronis, Chase Brantley, and Lisa Yaconelli and is inspired by the idea that we are all entering society after a global pandemic, a little more fragile.

check out our Instagram and Facebook pages Small Box Series

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Located at 160 Winston Drive #9